I was walking home from work today,listening to The Last Word.
There was a piece on it about the pensions that some of the ex-ministers in this Country get.
Now I could be slightly off on the figures here but for an Ex Dáil members it runs at about €160,000 a year,but you get it straight away.You don't have to wait until you are 60 or 65..
But amongst the people that was mentioned is the Chairman of B.P.,thats British Petroleum,he is one of the Richest men in the Country by all accounts,and he picks up €50,000 a year for the rest of his life.I'd say that pays his Drivers wages..
Now,the other story here was on after,it was about funding for Special Needs education in schools being cut,which means that kids that have learning difficulties will be put back into regular classes and told to pull up their socks and stop being so thick and lazy..
Now i could pull a load of Figures off a Govt website and do a in-depth investigation but thats not really my style.
The Jist of the Story is this..
The Politicians have a sweet deal for themselves and they have the power to change the way their pensions are paid and the rates at which they are paid,The will say that their hands are tied,but they can change it..
But thats not going to happen,why do that when we can cut funding to the weakest members of society to save a few quid,and condemn a generation of kids to the dole or at best menial labour..
It also turns out that they knew about Irish Permanent putting €7billion into Anglo-Irish's Coffers on the last day of their financial year last September to make them look like they weren't a fucking Money Laundering Operation for their Directors..
Just before the Govt pledged to bail out the banks.
Will people rise up violently against these Cunts that are going to turn this Country into a Third World State..
Nah,we'll just bitch about it on Blog,letters Pages in newspapers and Liveline.
They will laugh at how maliable (ooh-fancy word)we are as a people and keep on giving us the High hard One..
I bought a Lotto ticket tonight,if it comes up,the next ticket i'll be buying will be a plane ticket out of here...I'll come back to visit..I swear..
Fuck it. Just wave from the yacht on your way to somewhere sunny. I'll meet you there bud.
ReplyDeletewhat would it take? if somebody was to murder a politician public opinion would need to stand behind them, not be giving it the old "no to violence, peaceful protest only" - if such an occurrence was met with national indifference or even enthusiasm things might start shifting as certainly now politicians dont give a fuck.
ReplyDeletei for one don't want to riot, whilst it looks like a laugh i dont want to go looting or damaging other people's property, that's targeting the wrong people.
no, murder, it's the only way, and it'd be dead easy.
but all this talk of murder, it was us who voted the shower of crooks back in (not me you understand), they were corrupt before the last election and this asshole nation brought them back so we shouldn't really moan now should we? what can you expect from a pig but a grunt?
The French had a great idea with the ol' public decapitation..
ReplyDeleteNot only getting rid of the crooks,but saying to the world "Fuck You,this is our Country and we are taking it back" (but probably more profound and literary than that)..
Never gonna happen here though..
Can't wait till they do Self Aid again though,have heard from Stockton's Wing in a long time,or Scullion for that matter..
ReplyDeletesorry , couldn't help it.
Cheers for that,i was having a lovely day..
ReplyDeleteI see Chris P is as mad as hell and he's not going to take it anymore...
Nice bit of stuff Kate. Kenneth, you're right, we did vote them back in. But not exactly. A couple of independent T.D.s and the Greens(Trecherous cunts) put them back in power. But That's not the problem... What would a grand coalition of Fine Gael, Labour, Greens(Browns) and independents have done differently?
ReplyDeleteNothing, cos if it 'ain't broke don't fix it. And because when the last election happened, it was too late, the economy had bloated beyond repair and was teetering on the brink, with high wages, property prices and cost of living that was rated as one of the highest in the world. We were already on a highwire, with sucessive(power maintaining) taxcuts meaning we had nothing in reserve.
The Problem is the (sometimes willful) ignorance of the electorate and a media who likes to keep us that way. There is NO alternative to fianna fail, just different rhetoric wrapping up the same policies. Eamonn Gilmore looks the part, but the fact that they call themselves "Labour" is laughable, they no more represent an actual labour movement than any of the rest of them.
People Before Profit interest me at the moment though....