I was playing Trivial Pursuits last night and I pulled out a "History" question to ask my mate.
This was the "History" question.
Question.Who described Tony Blair and Gordon Brown as the Lennon & McCartney of Global Developement?
Now its all very fashionable and boring to call Bono an egomaniac cunt with a messianic complex.And i think U2 have done a lot of good things for this Country (apart from paying tax here),they have improved the image of Ireland in the world stage and contributed to alot of Tourism.
And when people jump on the Bono bashing bandwagon I would usually point out the positives of the wee chap (he is TINY btw,my brother knocked him flying by accident outside The Shelbourne Hotel one time)
But last night as i read that question out,the missus said to me "Why did you let out that little scream of despair there?" I was unaware any sound had come form my mouth at all..
It must have been a little pocket of rage gas that had been trapped for a long time,getting released.. I felt a little dead inside after ..
Read the Question again,go on.. and think about the total Cuntishness,the total arselicking,fauning,browntongued sentiment behind it..
Now take a deep breath and let that scream out....
Sure what about his turnaround with Chirac?
ReplyDeleteOne minute he's a 'wanker' the next Bono's fellating him because he might be able to give a few quid to Africa.
Yeah,I forgot about that..
ReplyDeleteWe could be here for a week listing off the bullshit he's come out with..
Bono supports lisbon
ReplyDeleteplease support the lisbon treaty for your great country ireland. There are a number of jedi in both brussels and your green party who are looking out for europe and your country. this will allow true peace and justice to reign on your great nation as a jedi republic.
ps we have a plan to sort out global warming as well
below are the jedi commandments that are to be followed by all star wars fans effective immediately
(these commandments were done by george lucas and supershadow collectively)
1. thou shalt not question the infallibility of george lucas or his creations
explaination: lucas can only make things that are total in their perfection. if
a star wars film fails at the box office , it is not a failing of lucas.
REMEMBER: George lucas cannot make mistakes!!! It is the fault of you the fans
by not going to the cinema enough.
2. thou shalt spend at least 20 per cent of income per month on star wars merchandise
explaination: a true star wars fan will always ensure the star wars story is continually sold.
We must ensure that our money gets to lucasfilm. We owe it to george lucas. he has
only you (the star wars fan)'s interest at heart.
remember when passing a toy shop,do go in and buy star wars merchandise(figureens, star
wars books etc). do not think of the money , only that you honour lucas with each
3. thou shalt always ensure to the best of my ability that all new star wars releases are box office
smash hits
Explaination: a true star wars fan will go to any new star wars film in the cinema at least
30 times!!!. It is imperative that you take time off work, start at the 3:30 showing and then
all the repeat showings until the cinema closes. If all star wars fans obeyed this commandment
all future star wars films would knock titanic off the top pedestal
If you are unable to get time off work, simply calculate the cost of going 30 times and send
this amount to supershadow.com
4. do shalt within my lifetime visit lucasfilm (skywalker ranch) at least once.
Explaination: true star wars fans are obliged to visit sky walker ranch which is the birth place of jedi
when there, please do all the guided tours (their is a discount if all taken together)
however if a star wars fan is coming close to the end of his/her life and has not yet made the
pilgrimage, he/she must leave at least 20 per cent of they're estate at death to george lucas
and lucas film. lucas will remember that person as if they had made the pilgrimage
5. Thou shalt not suffer anyone to ridicule star wars or george lucas
Explaination: a true star wars fan will not suffer the star wars story, movies , characters, special effects to be ridiculed
by the foolish. ie should a friend or family member ridicule jar jar binks, you must disown that person even
though they may be your flesh and blood. lucas expects nothing less. dont not use violence-just walk away.
the jedi religion is a religion of peace.
6.. Thou shalt get fuck out of here with your spamming nerdy shit you cunt..
ReplyDeleteIm only leaving the comment there to show others what a sad cunt you are
utter cuntology.. from trivial pursuit and that shadow cunt..
ReplyDeleteIt would have ruined my night Sam (Trivial Pursuit) if i hadn't been incredibly high and drunk at the time...
ReplyDeleteAh Supercunt....
ReplyDeleteThis is a weird one, I've met him and spoken with him, he's a really nice guy. I do think however that he is just serving his own ego with a lot of his charity and good will work.
Id say Paul Hewson is sound alright but Bono has come out with some cuntish statements.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if U2 will start paying Tax in this country now ,what with the current climate?
Whats the difference between Bono and Jesus?
ReplyDeleteJesus doesnt take photos with the G8 thinking he's Bono.
The Cunt.
This is the most clear headed Bono post I've ever read!
ReplyDeleteApart from Supershadow there.
Gad you got your link working, Phil
I decided to Leave his(supershadow's)post there in all its gibberish glory..