In General,I am a fairly tolerant person.I give people the benefit of the doubt mostly.I try and avoid confrontation if it is possible.I don't see the point in wasting my time and energy in losing my temper all the time.But..
There are a section of society that I cannot abide,that make me despair of the point of human existance (apart from Nazi's and Fianna Fail)
They are Life's floaters.. They sail through life without a care in the world.
I call them Happy Idiots.
Now this post is born partly out of envy of their ignorance.
Sorry,let me explain who these people are..
Well,i'll try and make this concise and not ramble on.You know who they are,you work with them,for them,you are stuck in traffic with them,you smell their farts on the bus or train.
A few examples are:
The person that likes music played on Daytime radio,thinks Ray Foley is the cutting edge of wit,thinks that Liveline is a serious current affairs program,that doesn't read a paper,that doesn't question things,that turns off a documentary because "America's Next Top Model" is on the other channel.That pays €10 to see a fucking assembly line Rom-Com/Thriller piece of shit movie,but hasn't seen ANY decent movie that you throw their way..
That turns off the news because "It's Boring" but then when the country is falling to pieces around them, will come up with the Idiot's gem line "If Bertie was here,this wouldn't have happened" in tone that suggest's that they've just solved the Middle East situation..
There's more but I think that you get the drift (unless you are a happy idiot,in that case,what are you reading this for there's a fly on the wall doc about Jade Goody's Cat on Living Tv)
Now,I did say above that this post was probably deep down borne form a kind of envy of their blinkered moronic existence.Because the fact is that I do care what happens in the world around me,I do read a paper (not the Sunday Times though..shower of cunts),I do not accept the easy route,whether its music,films or Books.
I just think maybe I would probably be a happier person if that "Cerebral" part of my brain didn't work so well...
I guess what I am really saying is,Can you send me money so I can get a Lobotomy?
"I've met the man in the Street,and he's a Cunt" - Sid Vicious
I'd love to be a life floater. Less to worry about.
ReplyDeleteI keep forgetting you're blogging so I'm sticking you on the blogroll. And I'm with Maxi. I too wish I could be a thick fuck who hasn't a clue. Ignorance is bliss.
ReplyDeleteI feel abused,what with me being an advocate of rape n' all.. has that cunt gone home yet?
ReplyDeleteI know exactly what you mean . . . and there's so many of them. . .
ReplyDeletePerhaps you could use "that cerebral part" of your brain for some punctuation?
ReplyDeleteMaybe you could suck my balls?