I was playing Trivial Pursuits last night and I pulled out a "History" question to ask my mate.
This was the "History" question.
Question.Who described Tony Blair and Gordon Brown as the Lennon & McCartney of Global Developement?
Now its all very fashionable and boring to call Bono an egomaniac cunt with a messianic complex.And i think U2 have done a lot of good things for this Country (apart from paying tax here),they have improved the image of Ireland in the world stage and contributed to alot of Tourism.
And when people jump on the Bono bashing bandwagon I would usually point out the positives of the wee chap (he is TINY btw,my brother knocked him flying by accident outside The Shelbourne Hotel one time)
But last night as i read that question out,the missus said to me "Why did you let out that little scream of despair there?" I was unaware any sound had come form my mouth at all..
It must have been a little pocket of rage gas that had been trapped for a long time,getting released.. I felt a little dead inside after ..
Read the Question again,go on.. and think about the total Cuntishness,the total arselicking,fauning,browntongued sentiment behind it..
Now take a deep breath and let that scream out....