Monday, January 12, 2009

Ray Foley

I'll make this short,sharp and Brutal..

Get some original presenting Skills,stop reusing the same voice clips everyday and stop being such a fucking cunt...


  1. Who's Ray Foley and how come I didn't know you had a blog?

    Verification word: Swookec

  2. He's a Daytime Radio presenter that borrows his style from many Late 90's BBC Radio DJ's..

    I am going to start posting more now,(well,until i get bored with it)

  3. Hi Fill. Hoor here, nice blog you have. Is this DJ arsewipe dreadfoley bad? Fnnaaarr!

  4. i know his side kick JP very well. sound lad but a bit like mark from peep show.

  5. I didn't know you had a blog either.
    Ya kept that quiet!

    In relation to Foley, Sure it's just a bit of fun for your lunch time, nothing too serious

    If i ever hear that phrase again I'm going cunt my radio in the bastard

  6. You posted 3 times in 2008 and now have 2 in 2009 already.
    Prolific or what! You's the man

  7. To Anonymous: Hiya Ray,the missus heard your show today,thanks for dropping by...
    Good luck with the recycling!!

    In fairness I reckon you are way better than the shite you churn out every day and I hope to see the day it gets on Air... Unless thats your lot...

  8. Cheers Peadar,i hope to post alot more over the course of the year...

    Don't pay any attention though,i talk a load of shite mostly...

    Except about cuntface of course....heh

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I am going to start posting more now,(well,until i get bored with it)

    How many times have I heard that?
    I believe it translates as 'I'm even more bored than I usually am today'.

    Am I right?
    Do I win anything?


    -Is there anybody there?

  11. I'm here cuntyballs..Cant get into Blogger in work..
    You maybe right but we'll just have to wait and see.

  12. So you reckon was Ray Foley googling himself and coming across your blog?

  13. Looks like that,of course theres no way of finding out if you are a lazy cunt like me..

  14. wait, what happened? did someone claim to be foley post here?



  15. Well a certain famous forum dont even let people comment on him negatively because he gave them so much shit about it...

    If you put yourself out there you have to take the rough with the smooth.. thats the way it works,otherwise you come across as a bit precious..

  16. That's probably the best thing I've ever read on the internet
