So,You are trying to overthrow one of the Superpowers.A relative peace has descended
on the land.People are getting on with their daily lives,worrying about mortgages,jobs,shopping,whether your football team are gonna win the next match.You know,normal stuff.
What do you do?
Isn't it obvious?
Well,you follow 2 Pizza delivery drivers from the Piazza place,to their destination,in this case an Army Barracks.
Then you wait until they are unloading their tasty delivery,and you run in Shooting anyone thats in your line of site..
2 Evil Empirialistic Genocidal maniacs the like not seen since Cromwell (well,actually to young soldiers in their early twenties,awaiting a plane to Afganistan) are dead..
Well Hurrah lads,thats one in the Eye of the Hun..

"watch out for those paramilitary pizza delivery boys"
Then your release a statement saying that you are glad that the 2 soldiers were killed and that the Pizza Delivery fellas were colluding with the security services..
Thats an Interesting one "Colluding" in the dictionary,Colluding means plotting with,or conspiring with.. I think they mixed up "Colluding" with "Delivery".
So we aren't dealing with Brain surgeons here obviously.But I would have expected somewhere beyond the reading age of a 6 year old..
So,here we go again then?
Maybe not.I hope that these cunts are found and brought to Justice.In fact,I believe that this attack is a direct response to the SAS being brought in to hunt down the "Sur-Real IRA".
Well,im not a west-brit or anything,but these cunts make me angry,because they are trying to speak for me as an Irish person.They don't,I dont think there are that many people in the North would agree with them either.
They should just go back to what they've been doing best for the last 10 years.robbing banks (badly) and intimidating shop keepers and widows..
Your Medal is in the post..