Saturday, August 9, 2008

The Answer My friends is blowing in the wind...

Look outside your house/Apartment building/Dumpster..Go on,take a good luck..

What do you see?

I see a big change.. Brought by the wind of economic downturn and necessity..
I live in a small,quiet estate.And over the last few months i've noticed that whereas before there would be Tayto bags,Mars and snickers wrappers blowing into my garden ,now its Aldi brand chocolate bars and crisps.
People are voting with their feet and leaving Tesco,Dunnes and Superquinn.
I can't remember the last time i saw a Marks and Spencers ready meal package falling out of someones recycle bin.This is people power...But..

Where were these cunts at the last election? Voting for the FF possé that has created the false economy boost of the last 10 years by selling off land that was going to be re-zoned in exchange for brown envelopes..
Construction went into overdrive with estates,retail parks,offices being built,creating jobs and boosting the economy.Great stuff i hear you say,but no,not great because the result of this was a FALSE economy.It had a limited lifespan because you can only build so much,the banks had given out so many mortgages that they found themselves borrowing for bigger corporate banks,suddenly those banks are in trouble and they want their fuckin money back!! with interest.. soo.. this gets passed to you and i through your mortgage payments/(your landlords mortgage if you are renting)..banks arent giving out mortgages,people cant buy houses,construction slows down,dole numbers rise..and you know the rest...

About a mile from my house is a brand new 6 storey Glass and Metal office building,its lovely,it'll probably win an architecture award...

..its empty.. no-one's home,its not open for is failing in the only function it is in existence for.. and right beside it is an Aldi with a full carpark everyday...

Im not sure if theres a point to this post other than the fact i havent posted anything in a fair while but i did connect the recession(that doesnt exist) to sweet wrappers so im happy with that..if you dont like it ,then fuck off!!!


  1. yes, I have gone down the aldi (well lidl) road myself. And I got my mortgage when I was unemployed. The idiots.

  2. heh, huge estates all over the country with no jobs in the area.

    So very pointless.

    One point I'd pick out though is with the rent, sure the mortgage is higher for the landlord but soon there'll be lots of empty houses and more competition so i don't think the rent will skyrocket as much.

  3. Cool,i'll sell my house so..Thanks Morgor :D

  4. That building beside Aldi is the Park Point Hotel. It was built because of the tax breaks it offered to the developers but talk about bad timing... Then there is the site across the road from it beside TK Maxx. The work has stopped on it because the developer couldnt find an anchor tennant so the bank wont release any more money. Stád. Finito.

    Now the banks have these on their books and guess what? Because of the way the system works and people owe for them they are actually listed as ASSETS.

    Go figure.
